Register | Pound It Hip Hop Studio
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  2. Open an account or Log In

  3. Go to "Register" in the menu or on Quick Links

  4. Select " Pound It Red Deer 2024/25"

  5. Select the class you want to be in

  6. Scroll to bottom of page to "Submit"

  7. Accept terms and conditions/waiver

  8. Make payment and you're all finished!

Rec Classes



Our toddler level classes for 2-3 yr olds. This class runs in 6 week sessions. Bambinos will focus on fun, exploration of different beats and falling in love with moving to music. Rico is teaching this one so sign up and save your spot today! This is a parented class. $80/session. 


Lil Cuz

6-9years. 1 mandatory crew class Mondays at 5:15pm. Pick up to 3 additional /optional  training classes per week. ( training classes are in yellow on the schedule) $115/ mo , 130 with costume included.


Riverside Bounce

Riverside Bounce, 10-15years. 1 Mandatory crew class Monday at 5:15pm. Pick up to 3 additional /optional  training classes per week. (training classes are in red on the schedule). $115/mo $130 with costume included.


Chicken Noodle Soup

 4 and 5 year olds- 1 mandatory crew class Tuesdays at 5:15pm.2 additional/optional  training classes Monday at 4:45pm and Wednesday at 4:30pm. $90/mo 



1 mandatory crew class Wednesday at 6pm. Pick up to 3 additional /optional  training classes per week. ( training classes are in yellow on the schedule) $115/ mo, 130 with costume included.


PIBA- Pound It Beginner Adults

Tuesday 6:45pm Thursday 6:30pm 1 Class $65/mo, 2 classes $90/mo. 


Adult Unlimited Training 

Both PIBA ClassesTuesday 6:45pm Thursday 6:30pm 

Open Dancehall Monday 6:45pm

Open Funk Styles (popping/locking) Mondays 7:30pm

Open Litefeet Tuesday 7:30pm

Open Chicago Footwork Tuesday 8:15pm

Open Hip Hop Wednesday 6:30pm

Open House Thursday 5:45pm

Tuiton:$115/ mo 


The Choreo Collective

Teens 15-18 years Rec commercial choreography, Intermediate Level. Monday 7:30 pm. Includes any 3 open training classes each week. $130/mo.
Competitive Crews


3 competitions and 3 battles each year


La Bandita

 6-9 years. No audition required. 1 mandatory crew class Tuesdays at 5:15pm. UNLIMITED optional  training classes included.

( training classes are in yellow on the schedule) $140.00. 

Super Girlz Crew

Our Super Girlz Crew is a competitive group that focuses on feminine street and club styles, girl power, and lifting our young ladies up. Crew Class is Thursdays at 5:45pm, UNLIMITED additional training classes included. Due to the level dancers can pick from the 10-14yrs training classes- they are red on the schedule.


Sassy Sistas

For dancers 10-17 yrs, this Intermediate competitive group builds on the foundation set in Super Girlz and also focuses feminine street and club styles, girl power, and lifting our young ladies up. Crew Class is Thursdays at 7:15pm, UNLIMITED additional open training classes included. Tuition includes costume, workshops, competition fees $265/mo


Red Deer City Breakers

For dancers 10-14 years. Breaking (breakdance focus). No audition required. Crew class is Mondays at 6:45pm, UNLIMITED training classes included. (training classes are in red on the schedule).Tuition includes costume, workshops, competition fees $265/mo 



Age can very, but average is 9-12 years. Crew placement required. Crew class is Tuesdays 6pm. UNLIMITED training classes included. (training classes are in red on the schedule. Tuition includes costume, workshops, competition fees $265/mo


La Familia

Advanced Level. Age range is 10-19 yrs. Audition required. Crew Class is Thursday 6:30pm. UNLIMITED open training classes included.  Performance opportunities available. Tuition includes costume, workshops, competition fees $265/mo

Adult Competitive



Adult Competitive Crew. Crew class is Wednesday 7:30pm. UNLIMITED training classes included. (training classes are the green open classes on the schedule).Performance opportunities available. Tuition includes workshops, competition fees $250/mo

All Rec crews have up to 3 optional training classes per week included with the tuition.
All Competitive classes have UNLIMITED optional training classes each week. 
**crew classes are mandatory**

*** Bundle tuition, costumes, workshops and competition fees with our all inclusive pricing! Register for your class and send an email to to request to bundle your fees and we will adjust your tuition.***

Tentative Schedule 2024/2025

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